a home to: decorate & craft in

I have been without a home of my own since the beginning of June. It was amazingly awkward timing to be ousted from a house and not just because I was still unsure if I would be leaving DC at the end of the summer (clearly that didn’t happen). It’s really more because I got a new desk and was re-bit by the crafty bug. But a new home is soon to be mine (at the beginning of Nov.) and now all I can think about is crafts, craft nights, decorating, photo taking, photo business names, album making, furniture buying and figuring out if I can grow an orange tree in a pot in the sun room. So pretty much what I’m saying is that I have nothing I’m currently working on. Thankfully the every wonderful pinterest is there to keep me idea organized, and maybe to help break the bank a little bit faster.

1. DIY Wall Medallions
2. Gallery Frame Set-Up
3. Camera Collection Wall
4. Office Organization
5. Cupcake Liner Jar
6. French Baguettes

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