end of the week ten: vol. 3


Hey there week. You sure did bring some crazy: cleaning out all the stuff, a trip to the Goodwill, my car bumper getting a little too personal with a parking garage column (not by me), and a million and one other things. June, you’ve been something crazy. From the high highs to the low lows, it’s time to catch up, refocus, and continue on the adventure of living my best life now. But while I wait for that to happen, a random sample of the internet for you.

  1. A friend has coerced me into a month long squats challenge (read: she posted on Facebook). Day 3 and I’m already sad. But if you want to follow along, I’m doing an amateur hour version c/o Fitness Magazine. Because #hipsurgeryexcuses
  2. Loving this Cup of Jo article on people who skip certain wedding traditions (which in my opinion, is a lot of them) — also, if you’re bored, there is also my favorite CoJ article ever
  3. Another week, another article about the ballet. This one on how dance partners create chemistry amongst themselves
  4. I love Max Wanger and his print shop is having a sale through Sunday (6/25). Just another reason to spend some dollars and cents
  5. Being super obsessed with all the collabs around the release of Despicable Me 3 — mainly with luggage one with Away
  6. Trying to find a bathing suit top that fits the, ahem, girls. Lucy and Ethel love some support and these options from Lilly & Lime look pretty great (this article from Bustle has a few sneak peeks from a new launch)
  7. Planning to make frybread after reading this Food52 article
  8. Also learning how to host like a Parisian. (Also care of the good folks at Food52)
  9. Taking this Buzzfeed UK quiz and never getting 100%. Ya’ll coming up with the top 100 girls names is hard
  10. Apparently there is a whole sketchy market around San Marzano tomatoes…also, like Champagne, they are only considered San Marzanos if they are grown in a very specific part of Italia

the end of week ten: vol. 2


It’s Friday and I am doing a happy dance. It was a week of high highs (Tonys recap coming soon!) and a crazy work schedule. This weekend I get the joy of being the best roommate ever by getting into a raft on a river. So fingers crossed I don’t injury another joint. :)

  1. Loving this sweet family who won a lot of money in the lotto and started a foundation to make their home city better
  2. Discovering (and loving) the handcrafted ceramics/porcelains from Robert Siegel Studio. Now I just have to keep myself from buying everything.
  3. This fascinating article from FiveThirtyEight about what makes people identify as multiracial
  4. Dreaming about matching flowers at home to wall colors after this collab between Michelle Edgemont, HGTV, and Benjamin Moore — which would be easier if I had actually colors on my walls
  5. Why everyone should take ballet, even if you’re an adult and you’ve never taken a dance class before. It’s just that wonderful
  6. I’m currently torn between a normal soda stream and this fancy penguin one…the penguin lover in me is leaning one way, the rest of me is leaning normal
  7. Thinking about how the Spritz is the “bevvie of the summer” and how having the above Soda Stream would make them a regular in my life.
  8. Continuing my typography art love with these prints from Anthony Burrill for Schoolhouse Electric
  9. Reliving all the wonder and thrill of the Tony Awards! care of CBS and YouTube.
  10. Vacation. Can vacation please appear right now?

the end of week ten: vol. 1

This week has been full of crazy…and the arts. But with that is coming so great planning, and reading, and more planning of life and fun. Tuesday involved a New York City Ballet working rehearsal for donors, and tonight will be a NYCB performance! I am pretty thrilled to watch some ballet while I imagine what life would be like if I could still do that.

  1. This man who is a waterslide master. If it was me, we would have been looking at a second hip surgery.
  2. Blue Zones: The secrets to living to 100 in locations that I’d be happy to just live in for a year of two.
  3. Carpool Karaoke with Ed Sheeran. Need I say more.
  4. Since we’re on to YouTube videos, watch this trailer for Coco. Because it looks amazing and the voice cast the Mouse has lined up sounds amazing!
  5. Maine sends a beer box to Iceland. It takes up a lot of the cargo hold.” (enough said)
  6. The history of pink doughnut boxes, aka, the only way doughnuts should be boxed.
  7. Isabella Boylston teaches Crossfit men ballet. It’s harder than it looks ya’ll.
  8. So on that note, “Pain, satin and paper towels: What it takes for ballerinas to dance on their toes” — The Washington Post knows where it’s at
  9. Salt: So I’m a little bit obsessed with Briny Sea Dry Goods. It’s my recommended hostess gift these days.
  10. Indoor Fruit Trees: When I turned 30 I brought a bunch of succulents home from CA, and decided if I could keep them alive for a year clearly I could keep anything alive. It’s been over a year and a half, and now I’m dreaming big…olive, pomegranate, so many options!

wpshoot // anna + nat are wed!

Three days before the big day (aka hip surgery) I finished out my 2016 photo season with the wedding of Nat & Anna. After having a rainy engagement session, we were gifted with a beautiful day in PA/DE on a farm that has been owned by a member of Nat’s family for…well, quite sometime. They got married with only their closest family in a tiny chapel (formerly a spring house) and I couldn’t have imagined a better way to close out a season.

















links // since i’ve been gone

We’re going to call this, “The Best of the Internet since January.” Because, well, it’s been a while. What I lack in timeliness, I make up in content. That could be a lie, but either way, I enjoyed them (and they cover a wide reach of topics). Today, I offer you champagne, mixed race commentary, dance, cheese, pasta, and a KFC romance novel. And a few other bits of greatness.

Untitled Untitled
Also, a trip to see the Kusama exhibit at the Hirshhorn Museum