I love the Jews, simple as that

Somehow that title seems even more sacrileg then I intended it to. (We should also note, as I don’t think it has been noted before, that apparently people from the west coast like to chop endings off of words. Ex. obvi, phenom, and my personal favorite…sacrileg). But now on to the topic at hand.

The Jews.

Which leads to my favorite Jewish Holiday…Purim.

Which leads to why it’s my favorite holiday…Hamantaschen.

And you know when it got better, last year when Deb at SmittenKitchen posted a hamantaschen recipe. I near about died and went to heaven. And so this year, I was totally going to accomplish my goal. It was messy, a lot of them fell apart, I took them with me when I went out of town with friends, everyone look baffled by the name, but they were eaten with great gusto. Thus, I was happy.

The recipe (and more Purim love) is after the jump, and after what could be the start of the best Gossip Girl comments ever…all the ones referencing religion. The first…went to the Jewish Seder (making it so appropriate for this post):

Eleanor Waldorf: “I don’t even know how to say half the words in this prayer book named after Joe Lieberman’s wife.”
Dan: She’s Hadassah. This is a Haggadah.

And in case you all don’t know what Purim actually is…

Continue reading “I love the Jews, simple as that”

for G.

A request was had for a funny post, (i.e. G had one of those mornings that makes one want to read something comical). And so, I was bound and determined to think of something, and this is more I’m admitting to being a stereotype.

Today was the first day of my new job, and to walk and get lunch took me and the person I’m replacing to a let’s say, not so great area of the city. But to be completely honest, I probably wouldn’t judge except I’ve lived in the ubber posh parts of the city cause a. that is where I went to school and b. it’s what my parents demanded for safety after I graduated. But as I’m walking down the street all I can think is…”Oh I stand out like a sore thumb (which could have been the fact that I was wearing an $800 Marc Jacobs coat that I got for a $100 steal at an outlet). But then the comical rememberance moment hit.

About a month ago the morning person (shudder) that will be a roomie one day, decided to wake me up to ask about wearing socks with her boots. (We’re going to honest, at 9:45 am on a Saturday, I really didn’t care as I was still asleep…but she drove over to my apt to show me). The stipulation to her coming by was to not comment that I didn’t look awake. So I walk outside to see the boots and she blurts out, Oh my gosh, you’re so [Insert the name of my preppy college]. Now this is a line I’ve used to people…one that could never be used to me. But alas, when I looked at what I had thrown on:

Black Leggings

A long tank top

A fitted 3/4 sleeve shirt over the tank

The above mentioned coat

Ugg Boots

…and a Headband to hold back the wisps of my messy bun

Pretty much I had walked outside looking like the Saturday morning version of attire on my college campus, messy and preppy…the perfect combination of cheap (black leggings from Target) and expensive (the coat…which is only sticker cost expensive, I only spend money on purses, which is another thing that was seen a lot, sweats and Prada). It was the moment that I officially realized that the only thing holding my attire back was the lack of a popped collar (something that G does well, I couldn’t).

Really, to this moment I’m not quite sure put it over the top…the Uggs or the Headband. For the latter, all I can say is Queen B would be happy at my headband sporting ways. :)

A Political Letter of a Non-Political Nature

So today a friend of mine had a letter to the president as an away message. It was short, it made sense, and it had nothing to do with politics…just about how his transportation tends to wake her up at the wee hours of the morning. In return I wrote my own letter of grievances, and here is a more thought out version.

Dear Mr. President,
While we know I didn’t support you, I didn’t vote for you and I think the economic recovery bill is absurd and not a stimulus package, I, however do still love press conferences. I am nuts enough to watch daily press briefings…even though your guy isn’t as cool as Ari Fleischer or Tony Snow (and not as quirkily wonderful like Dana Perino). What I have a problem with is your timing on press conferences. Primetime television, especially on Monday Night, is reserved for crime dramas and Gossip Girl. Things that couldn’t happen since you decided had an 8pm press conference. That wasn’t cool. Serena and Blair aren’t happy, neither are the hundreds of thousands of early 20-something women who had to suffer a repeat episode. Don’t do it again.
xoxo, Me